LEED v4 Public Comment: Refining the system

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We want to thank you for your contribution to the development of LEED v4. With the ballot only four months away, we are taking every moment to make sure the rating systems are fully usable and the program has been thoroughly tested.

The last step in the development process is one final public comment period, open March 1 – March 31, 2013. This comment period will focus on refinement (both in the credit language and in calculations) and provides the public with one last chance to give feedback on the system before the member vote in June.

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New Policy Brief Highlights the Federal Government’s Success with LEED

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Photo credit: wallyg via flikr

There sure has been a lot of talk about the federal government’s use of LEED lately.

Last week, the National Research Council released a report that reaffirmed what we’ve been saying all along—that LEED makes good economic sense. They recommended that the Department of Defense should require its new buildings or major renovations to be designed to achieve at least LEED Silver certification.

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Building Benchmarking: The Next Big Thing

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Central Minneapolis across the Mississippi River. Photo credit: kla4067 via flik

Recently, the city of Minneapolis became the latest city to lead by example in improving building performance by requiring the benchmarking and disclosure of energy and water usage for the city’s public and commercial building stock. USGBC supports benchmarking initiatives through the Mainstream Building Benchmarking Campaign and applauds the city’s move.

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Military Facilities Reap Huge Benefits From Using LEED, Says Independent Study

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LEED Platinum Community Emergency Services Station. Photo credit: U.S. Army Corp

New research confirms LEED helps the government save
taxpayers money and meet environmental objectives

Washington, D.C. – (Feb. 15, 2013) – Today the Department of Defense released the findings of an independent report on energy efficiency and sustainability standards used by the Pentagon for military construction. The report strongly affirmed the value of LEED-certified high performing buildings to America’s military and U.S. taxpayers.

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President Obama Calls for Greener Homes and Businesses

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“Let’s cut in half the energy wasted by our homes and businesses.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Last night, President Obama issued a challenge to transform the way we construct, manage and operate our buildings.

“I’m also issuing a new goal for America: Let’s cut in half the energy wasted by our homes and businesses over the next twenty years,” said President Obama in his State of the Union address.

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States with a Green Thumb: How Illinois and Other Leading States are Growing Green Building

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In 2012, green buildings sprouted up across Illinois like wild flowers (let’s say violets, since we’re talking about the Land of Lincoln.)

In fact, last year the state certified 156 LEED projects, representing 25 million square feet of real estate. In total, the state now has more than 700 LEED certified projects, representing more than 140 million square feet of real estate. That’s the equivalent of 30 Willis Towers.

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School Security and our Built Environment

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Since the horrible and ghastly tragedy in Newtown, CT, schools across the nation are engaged in one of our country’s most important conversations – school safety and security. For the sake of our children (and I have two in school), it’s paramount that we get it right.

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