Recertification Guidance for Existing Buildings

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It’s here!

The LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Recertification Guidance is now available. This new document is the first of several steps USGBC is taking to establish a clear LEED recertification program for projects that have achieved certification under any version of the LEED for Existing Buildings rating systems.

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Greenbuild and Cross-Collaboration: Now More Than Ever

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From the warmth and comfort of my brownstone apartment, about 30 feet above the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, it has been shockingly easy to forget the calamity that Hurricane Sandy has brought to my favorite city. This reality is more difficult to block out – impossible, really – once you drive out to the peninsula of Far Rockaway or walk down to the Red Hook waterfront.

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Greenbuild and Cross-Collaboration: Now More Than Ever

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From the warmth and comfort of my brownstone apartment, about 30 feet above the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, it has been shockingly easy to forget the calamity that Hurricane Sandy has brought to my favorite city. This reality is more difficult to block out – impossible, really – once you drive out to the peninsula of Far Rockaway or walk down to the Red Hook waterfront.

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Greenbuild and Cross-Collaboration: Now More Than Ever

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From the warmth and comfort of my brownstone apartment, about 30 feet above the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, it has been shockingly easy to forget the calamity that Hurricane Sandy has brought to my favorite city. This reality is more difficult to block out – impossible, really – once you drive out to the peninsula of Far Rockaway or walk down to the Red Hook waterfront.

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Wish You Were Here: Advocacy Postcards @Greenbuild

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Join our postcard campaign to tell legislators about the important economic and environmental benefits of green building.

Greenbuild is a time to learn and reflect, to reunite and reenergize, and…to drop a postcard in the mail.

Too few policymakers get to see and experience Greenbuild, our annual gathering where industry rallies for green buildings, economy and jobs. And if they can’t be there, let’s make sure they know what they’re missing.

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Wish You Were Here: Advocacy Postcards @Greenbuild

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Join our postcard campaign to tell legislators about the important economic and environmental benefits of green building.

Greenbuild is a time to learn and reflect, to reunite and reenergize, and…to drop a postcard in the mail.

Too few policymakers get to see and experience Greenbuild, our annual gathering where industry rallies for green buildings, economy and jobs. And if they can’t be there, let’s make sure they know what they’re missing.

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Wish You Were Here: Advocacy Postcards @Greenbuild

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Join our postcard campaign to tell legislators about the important economic and environmental benefits of green building.

Greenbuild is a time to learn and reflect, to reunite and reenergize, and…to drop a postcard in the mail.

Too few policymakers get to see and experience Greenbuild, our annual gathering where industry rallies for green buildings, economy and jobs. And if they can’t be there, let’s make sure they know what they’re missing.

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Moscone Goes Gold in Time for Greenbuild

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San Francisco’s Moscone Convention Center has been a hallmark of San Francisco’s tourist infrastructure since the first of its three buildings opened in 1981, but a recent renovation and LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EB: O&M) Gold certification show off the Center’s new vision and approach to sustainability – just in time to host the estimated 35,000+ attendees of G

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Moscone Goes Gold in Time for Greenbuild

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San Francisco’s Moscone Convention Center has been a hallmark of San Francisco’s tourist infrastructure since the first of its three buildings opened in 1981, but a recent renovation and LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EB: O&M) Gold certification show off the Center’s new vision and approach to sustainability – just in time to host the estimated 35,000+ attendees of G

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Moscone Goes Gold in Time for Greenbuild

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San Francisco’s Moscone Convention Center has been a hallmark of San Francisco’s tourist infrastructure since the first of its three buildings opened in 1981, but a recent renovation and LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EB: O&M) Gold certification show off the Center’s new vision and approach to sustainability – just in time to host the estimated 35,000+ attendees of G

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