
My Hoopster Hero Honored for Creating a Sustainable City

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Two summers ago, I had the honor of introducing Mayor Kevin Johnson at the Clinton Global Initiative America meeting in Chicago. We’d been working together quite a bit on green building and green schools efforts since 2010 when we were together at a conference I organized in Sundance, Utah on “Greening America’s Schools.”

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Greenbuild Session Spotlight: The PEOPLE Side of Sustainability

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The following session is part of USGBC’s Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, an annual gathering of ~35,000 professionals, students and stakeholders in the green building movement. This year’s conference will take place Nov. 14-16 in San Francisco, Calif. For more information or to register, please visit GreenbuildExpo.org.

Is your building operating efficiency? What about the people in your building?

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Emerging Professionals @ Greenbuild

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This summer, the Emerging Professionals National Committee launched a new member initiative with the goal of 5,000 new Emerging Professionals by December 2015. An Emerging Professional (EP) is anyone out of school, under 30, with an interest in sustainability. EPs are the energetic and dynamic leaders of tomorrow’s green building movement, and are a key component to the succession planning and sustainability of a USGBC chapter.

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Emerging Professionals @ Greenbuild

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This summer, the Emerging Professionals National Committee launched a new member initiative with the goal of 5,000 new Emerging Professionals by December 2015. An Emerging Professional (EP) is anyone out of school, under 30, with an interest in sustainability. EPs are the energetic and dynamic leaders of tomorrow’s green building movement, and are a key component to the succession planning and sustainability of a USGBC chapter.

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Emerging Professionals @ Greenbuild

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This summer, the Emerging Professionals National Committee launched a new member initiative with the goal of 5,000 new Emerging Professionals by December 2015. An Emerging Professional (EP) is anyone out of school, under 30, with an interest in sustainability. EPs are the energetic and dynamic leaders of tomorrow’s green building movement, and are a key component to the succession planning and sustainability of a USGBC chapter.

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Making Green Schools Less Extraordinary

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One of our customers recently wrote us to share a fresh perspective on sustainability—from her son. From his perspective, the solar panels on their roof are the norm, and he seems genuinely puzzled if his friends’ homes don’t have them as well. To him, solar panels are as much a part of modern life as TVs and refrigerators.

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The Greenest Building

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Join us at the Greenbuild Film Festival to view “The Greenest Building.”

While not always recognized as a consumer product, buildings are in fact one of our most significant manufactured goods. And, like all manufacturing, construction of buildings requires a complex combination of natural resources and energy in order to produce a finished product. Everyday, all across America, decisions are made on how to build them, where to build them and when to throw them away.

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