It is possible to harvest energy from Earth’s thermal infrared emission
into outer space, according to new research from the Harvard School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences.More…
Author: Renewable Energy
New Generator Powered by Bacteria and Humidity
Discovery taps the hidden energy in evaporation.More…
Wind Can Improve Power Grid Reliability
Turbines can balance loads and reduce blackouts.More…
Renewable Energy Surges Ahead
Global renewable electricity capacity doubled between 2000 and 2012.More…
Coal Power Plants Could Support Cleaner Energy
A new study shows that coal generation plants can be modified to fit
within the new power sector and be a part of a cleaner energy system.More…
Food Waste to Power Grocery Store
Biogas released from food scraps will supply 20% of energy demands each year.More…
Florida Installs First Integrated Solar Roof
New system installs PV without roof penetrations.More…
Colorado State Capitol Implements Geothermal
The new system will drastically slash utility costs.More…
Solar Projects Raise the Bar
Learn about two innovative PV installations .More…
Installed Price of Solar Photovoltaic Systems Falls
New report by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) provides insight into price drop.More…