Registration is now open for both Greenbuild India and Greenbuild China. For the first time, the world’s largest green building conference will be held in Mumbai and Shanghai, in addition to Boston.
Greenbuild India: November 2–5, 2017. Register for Greenbuild India.
Greenbuild China: October 17–18, 2017. Register for Greenbuild China.
What do the events offer?
Delivering sustainability solutions, Greenbuild is the ideal space to learn about innovative green building strategies, products and services. It’s also a great opportunity for LEED professionals to earn continuing education (CE) credits.
Both events will feature:
- Inspiring speakers
- Invaluable networking opportunities
- Industry showcases
- LEED workshops with global industry leaders, experts and frontline professionals
Learn the latest about LEED v4 and its ability to impact energy, water and human health. Get introduced to LEED for Cities, the new Arc digital performance platform, the EDGE green building certification system for new residential and commercial buildings in emerging markets, the SITES rating system for sustainable landscape design and Parksmart for parking structures.
Greenbuild is unique in its ability to showcase the globally recognized LEED rating system for sustainable design, construction, and operations and maintenance. Today LEED, a product of the global green building industry, is found in more than 160 countries and territories.
See the full program of Greenbuild India sessions, and view the Greenbuild China agenda.
Who attends Greenbuild?
Network with hundreds of global building professionals focused on the global green building market: architects, builders and contractors, building owners, developers, educators, engineers, green building thought leaders, government planners and regulators, interior designers, real estate investors, sustainability officers, and utility executives.