EPA Honors Winners of First-Ever Campus RainWorks Challenge

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University of Florida and Illinois Institute of Technology lead in design of green infrastructure on campus

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced the four winners of the Campus RainWorks Challenge, a new design challenge created to inspire the next generation of landscape architects, planners and engineers to develop innovative green infrastructure systems that reduce stormwater pollution and support sustainable communities.

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First LEED for Healthcare Certification in the Country Complete

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The Group Health Puyallup Medical Center in Puyallup, Wash., LEED Gold. Credit:

No buildings impact the health of their occupants more directly than healthcare facilities, but the existing LEED rating systems weren’t designed specifically to record and reward green medical buildings. With the first building now certified under the LEED for Healthcare (LEED-HC) rating system, the industry has its first case study in the Group Health Puyallup Medical Center.

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The Greenest Day(s) of the Year

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Earth Day is just around the corner, and while USGBC believes that every day is Earth Day, we can’t resist packing our schedules with a long list of events to celebrate an opportunity to promote healthy, sustainable buildings. Here are a few of the events we have lined up over the next two weeks. We hope to see you out there.

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Campus Conservation Nationals in the Home Stretch!

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The Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN) competition closes in less than two weeks, and we are just 20,000 kWhs away from our national goal! Thousands of students across the nation have dedicated their time and creativity to “compete to reduce” energy and water consumption on campus and are now waiting to see if we reach the goal of reducing energy consumption by 2 million kWhs.

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