
Making Green Schools Less Extraordinary

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One of our customers recently wrote us to share a fresh perspective on sustainability—from her son. From his perspective, the solar panels on their roof are the norm, and he seems genuinely puzzled if his friends’ homes don’t have them as well. To him, solar panels are as much a part of modern life as TVs and refrigerators.

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The Greenest Building

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Join us at the Greenbuild Film Festival to view “The Greenest Building.”

While not always recognized as a consumer product, buildings are in fact one of our most significant manufactured goods. And, like all manufacturing, construction of buildings requires a complex combination of natural resources and energy in order to produce a finished product. Everyday, all across America, decisions are made on how to build them, where to build them and when to throw them away.

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The Greenest Building

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Join us at the Greenbuild Film Festival to view “The Greenest Building.”

While not always recognized as a consumer product, buildings are in fact one of our most significant manufactured goods. And, like all manufacturing, construction of buildings requires a complex combination of natural resources and energy in order to produce a finished product. Everyday, all across America, decisions are made on how to build them, where to build them and when to throw them away.

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The Greenest Building

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Join us at the Greenbuild Film Festival to view “The Greenest Building.”

While not always recognized as a consumer product, buildings are in fact one of our most significant manufactured goods. And, like all manufacturing, construction of buildings requires a complex combination of natural resources and energy in order to produce a finished product. Everyday, all across America, decisions are made on how to build them, where to build them and when to throw them away.

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USGBC Members in Support of LEED

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“LEED certification in buildings benefits the environment and the bottom line. LEED certified buildings in San Francisco and around the country are saving money and increasing their property value while reducing their overall environmental footprint,” says Melanie Nutter, Director of the San Francisco Department of the Environment. “Since buildings contribute 53% of greenhouse gas emissions in San Francisco, it is essential that we address inefficiencies in the built environment.

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Fact Check with USGBC’s Brendan Owens: USA Today

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Credit: Roanoke College

There’s a lot not to like about the USA Today articles written by Thomas Frank and posted earlier this week. To be fair however, there is some to like as well. And, just to put it out there, my list of things that could be better in LEED is a whole lot longer than Tom’s – trying to fix them is why I work here.

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USGBC Statement in Response to USA Today News Article

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Washington, DC – (Oct. 24, 2012) – The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) issued a statement in response to the USA Today piece that ran today about the organization and its LEED green building program.

USGBC is a 501c3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to sustainable building design and construction. Its mission is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.

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Burton Energy Group and Staples Team Up for the Green Apple Day of Service

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Going from the ‘college world’ to the ‘real world’ has been a difficult transition for me. And I’m not just talking about how hard it is to wake up at six in the morning every day (although I do miss sleeping until noon). But in college, there is no such thing as ‘free time.’ For me, there was class, work, studying, internships, or… oh yeah… work again. When I graduated and started working in the real world, all of a sudden I had all of this free time that used to be taken up by studying.

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