Sustainability Summit
The Center for Green Schools at USGBC is now accepting applications to attend this summer’s School Sustainability Leaders Summit from June 27-29. The Summit will be held at our offices in Washington, D.C. and is designed for school district or school system staff who are the point-people for sustainability within their organization.
Center for Green Schools Opportunities: Call for Research
The Impact of School Buildings on Student Health and Performance: A Call for Research
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Chapter Spotlight: Charlotte’s Eco Learning Lab
Late last year, South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, NC built an “Eco Learning Lab,” an outdoor classroom for students, instructors and green building professionals. The laboratory provides a forum for students to strengthen their educational experience and opens a dialog with green building professionals that can assist in career exploration. The hope is that the Eco Learning Lab can be replicated at other high schools in North Carolina.
My Job Inspiration: The Wisdom of Kids
One of the best parts of my job is getting to listen to kids and their visions for the world and their place within it. It’s reinvigorating, energizing and inspiring. It reminds me that when we provide safe and inviting places for kids to learn, grow a…
Taking Action at Rio+20
The Rio+20 Earth Summit represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create a roadmap for the “Future We Want” —the fitting motto of the June Summit. Heads of State, government leaders, non-governmental organisations and the business community in attendance are charged with the task of accelerating the green economy and addressing poverty eradication through sustainable development.
USGBC South Florida’s Generation Green Event
The weather held off for the USGBC South Florida Chapter Treasure Coast Branch’s first Generation Green Event on April 21, 2012. 175 registered attendees representing four counties attended the Generation Green Awards Ceremony.
The program wa…
Henley Middle School’s Renewable Energy Resource Center
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Top 10: How the Golden State Became the Green Building Leader
“If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” – Aristotle