
IGCC Undergoes Second Round of Public Hearings

I spent a little more than two days in Dallas this week at the public hearings for the International Green Construction Code. You, too, can tune in and watch them online. You may want to have the reference material handy and – unless you find this stuff as interesting as I do – some toothpicks for your eyelids and a big cup of coffee.

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Green Education Foundation and the Center for Green Schools Announce the Sustainability Education Clearinghouse

Clearinghouse offers K-12 educators a tool to share and access free green education resources

Washington, D.C. (May 18, 2011) — Green Education Foundation (GEF), along with the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council, announce the launch of its Sustainability Education Clearinghouse, a free online tool that provides K-12 teachers with the ability to upload and share sustainability focused lessons with one another.

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