NYC students to build green living walls on Rockefeller Plaza as part of Center’s Green Apple Initiative
NYC students to build green living walls on Rockefeller Plaza as part of Center’s Green Apple Initiative
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The first-ever Green Apple Day of Service on September 29, 2012 was a tremendou…
Today marks our third day on the road for the Students@Greenbuild Bus Tour, and we’re currently making our way through Ohio into Illinois, where we will stop at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to host a sustainability fair at a local middle school. I’ve managed to find a moment of solitude while the students are asleep after a late night of excitement from the election, and the open road is serving as a time for reflection and a much-needed change of pace from my busy life in Washington, D.C.
Going from the ‘college world’ to the ‘real world’ has been a difficult transition for me. And I’m not just talking about how hard it is to wake up at six in the morning every day (although I do miss sleeping until noon). But in college, there is no such thing as ‘free time.’ For me, there was class, work, studying, internships, or… oh yeah… work again. When I graduated and started working in the real world, all of a sudden I had all of this free time that used to be taken up by studying.
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CHF International, a humanitarian relief and development organization, has been working with slum communities in India since 2003. With support from the Caterpillar Fo…
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This week, I had the extraordinary opportunity to attend the Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, a gathering that brings together leaders from around the …
The Green Apple Day of Service is less than a month away, but it’s not too late to plan something great! When I was in elementary school, we had a giant map of the United States painted on the blacktop. This simple picture let students have fun outside, use their imagination and learn about geography all at the same time. Whether it is a map of the United States, the globe, or an image about sustainability and healthy living, there’s an easy way to scale your image to blacktop size, and make a great Day of Service project out of it.
Now that school has already begun, it’s the perfect time to think about ways to get involved in the Green Apple Day of Service! Here are 10 great projects that any parent or teacher can plan for their classroom.
The countdown has begun. One month from now on September 29, the Center for Green Schools at USGBC will host the first annual Green Apple Day of Service, an initiative to have volunteers around the world participate in small acts of service to improve their local school environments. Now that kids are back in school, projects are showing up on the map at a record pace. But one of the things we hear more and more as we get closer to the date is: “I really want to get involved, but I’m worried that there isn’t enough time.”
As the summer days are winding down, the Center for Green Schools is gearing up for the upcoming school year and the Green Apple Day of Service on Saturday, Sept. 29. We want to make sure you’re all fully equipped with what do to on the Day of Service to make it as successful as it can be!