An Affordable Green Neighborhoods Grant Program Recipient is Reimagined in San Francisco

San Francisco’s largest public housing site, Sunnydale, is on its way to becoming a thriving, green and vibrant mixed-income community. Recently, its master plan received conditional approval at the LEED Gold level, one of three major checkpoints on th…


Need-Based Greenbuild Scholarships available!

USGBC is offering 10 need-based Greenbuild scholarships for individuals interested in pursuing green careers. Scholarship applications are open to any US citizen of 18 years or older and meet federal low-income levels. Scholarship recipients will receive one full-conference registration, including travel, 3 nights lodging and limited expenses, for the 2011 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Toronto, from October 4 – 7, 2011. Applications are due July 25, 2011. The recipient will be responsible for securing a valid US passport.

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