
Public Health Gets a Place at the Design Table

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Imagine a world in which buildings and communities clearly and definitively help to prevent some of our most widespread illnesses, improve our mental health, and strengthen our overall wellbeing. We are now one step closer to this place after this week’s Summit on Green Buildings & Human Health, hosted by the US Green Building Council. If there’s one thing that I took away, it’s the enormous potential of public health professionals joining forces with the green building community to significantly improve human health and wellbeing.

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‘Watershed Event’ Explores What’s Next for Green in the Codes

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An impressive collection of the building code glitterati gathered a couple of weeks ago for our inaugural Codes Summit at the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. All together, more than 350 wonks, experts, specialists, professionals, advocates and other stakeholders participated in the summit held in San Francisco. Through a total of 19 hours of programming and discussion, we explored the next horizons in our community’s efforts to advance green building through the codes.

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School Sustainability Leaders Summit: Days Two & Three

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Note: This blog was originally posted on the Verdis Group blog.

I’m on the plane headed home from D.C. after a torrid and invigorating few days at the USGBC’s School Sustainability Leaders Summit. My mind is simultaneously racing and completely at ease. Yes, I know that sounds a little impossible. Let me explain.

Mind Status: Racing
Why: Opportunity Overload?

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Center for Green Schools Opportunities: Sustainability Summit

Sustainability Summit
The Center for Green Schools at USGBC is now accepting applications to attend this summer’s School Sustainability Leaders Summit from June 27-29. The Summit will be held at our offices in Washington, D.C. and is designed for school district or school system staff who are the point-people for sustainability within their organization.

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