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Last night, I was inspired watching President Obama outline a plan to “make this a year of action” and calling on us all to do everything we can to invest in a stronge…
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Last night, I was inspired watching President Obama outline a plan to “make this a year of action” and calling on us all to do everything we can to invest in a stronge…
New year, new session;
Advocates plan, train, and meet;
For chance to green laws.
I believe in concise writing; thus, what better way to lay out advocacy possibilities in 2014 than with a haiku?read more
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Smart, streamlined and simple: experience the new LEED Online
We’ve come a long way since the days of submitting for certification using 3-ring binders. LEED v4 …
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Here’s our weekly collection of green building clips:
Green-Building Labels Trigger A Race To The Top, Chemical & Engineering News. New research demonstrates…
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44 percent of the homes classified as affordable housing
Washington, D.C. — (Jan. 23, 2014) — The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announces the 50,000th LEED-certified green housing unit.read more
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Here’s our weekly collection of green building clips:
The 11 Best American-Designed Buildings of The Year, GizModo. The LEED Gold Brooklyn Botanic Garden Visitor…
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The U.S. Green Building Council has teamed up with Shanghai Industrial Finance Investment Co. Ltd (SHIF)to offer USGBC members services through a green building techno…
Authored by:
Lee Ann Head
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By Lee Ann Head (originally found on SheltonInsights)read more
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At the start of each year, millions of us resolve to make renewed commitments to healthy living, time with family, philanthropy, financial responsibility and countless other things that better ourselves and our communities. …
Published on:
16 Jan 2014
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The results are in and the LEED Homes v2008 energy update has passed bal…